04/28/2007 - Bike Ride We set the alarm for 5:AM and set out at 6:AM - We had the whole city to ourselves it seemed. When we got down by the river, the sun was just coming up and shining through a six foot tall layer on mist on the fields next to us - it was a great site to see. At Nimbus, the kids were salmon food and the little fish were jumping all over the place. We pressed on to Old Town Folsom and saw crew races going on in Lake Folsom. Very cool to see. Then on to the mining in Old Town Folsom, the park by the river and under the bridge like trolls. Total mileage this ride was 30 mi. The very first thing the kids did when we got home was change into their suits and jump in the pool. The video to the left is the fish at Nimbus Hatchery trying to break free of the pen and the Crew boat races in Lake Folsom. The pictures below cover the rest of the trip. Enjoy |
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